Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a registered 501c3 Charity?
Not yet. We are a Non Profit Organization and operate under the rules for 501(c)3 under the IRS, but we have not yet been granted tax exempt status. We are currently getting the paperwork together to apply for tax exempt status from the IRS.
Do we have to be Nerdfighters/Members of NFM to receive assistance?
No, you do not. While we have specific funds tucked away specifically for NFM, we do not only serve the Nerdfighter/NFM community. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to submit a request.
Is there a limit to the amount of money or assistance we can request?
Technically, no. However, we are limited by the amounts of funds that our generous community donates to us and what we have available in the fund at the time of your request. Since we’re a new organization, we do not have a big reserve of funds.
If we’re unable to completely fulfill your need, we will do our best to work with you to find resources that will help further. That may look like us helping you call credit cards to defer payments, change interest, or negotiate payment arrangements to free up your money for the immediate need, or it may be helping you find local resources or programs.
I need something that isn’t on the help request form, can you still help me?
We have an “Other” section on the drop down menu! Just choose that and be detailed with what you need and we’ll go from there.
Do you require proof of needing what we ask for?
In most cases we don’t require you to give us any proof. We’re not going to be invasive and ask for pictures of bare cupboards in order to get you food, for example. However, for things like rent assistance, utility assistance, and medicine co-pays, we do need to have something proving the cost and what is needed to get you out of an emergency situation.
For things like financial planning assistance, debt counseling, etc, we will need to know certain pieces of financial information to put together a complete picture and find the best way to help you.
I and/or my child has ARFID or is really picky and I’m embarrassed/nervous to ask for specific foods for grocery delivery. Can you just send me $100?
Please don’t be nervous or embarrassed. The organizers are all some form of neurodivergent themselves, or have neurodivergent children. ARFID is something we are all very aware of. You will not be judged for your requests. However, we do the grocery orders – whether for delivery or pick up – on your behalf for accounting and record keeping purposes.